Getting Your First Home: Important Tips to Save Money and Manage Your Budget in 2023

September 9, 2023

Purchasing your first home is a really exciting step, but it can also be a bit challenging, especially with all the changes in Australia's finances this year. But no worries! We've put together a guide to help you navigate through understanding your finances and making the best use of your budget:

1. The Power of Savings:
Remember the old saying, "A penny saved is a penny earned"? Think of your home deposit as a pie. The bigger the slice you save, the less you'll need to borrow. Start by making a detailed plan of how much money you get and how much you spend. By understanding where your money goes, you can find areas where you can spend less and save more money for your home deposit.

2. Know Your Borrowing Capacity by Getting Pre-approved:
Before you start house hunting, it's important to figure out how much money you're allowed to borrow. Lenders look at different things like your money situation to decide this. If you've been careful with your budget and saved up, it can really make a big difference in how much you can borrow. Imagine it's like getting ready for a big race – the better shape you're in, the easier the run. Just remember, now isn't the time to be spending a lot on fancy stuff. Instead, save up for the future and contact your local mortgage broker to get pre-approved for a house loan.

3. Government Grants:
Did you know the Australian government has grants for first-time homebuyers? It's like a golden ticket to help you get started. Before you set your heart on a property, check out if you're eligible. It allows first home buyers to only pay a deposit of 5% with the government covering the other 15% without claiming any ownership.

4. Get Ready for Extra Costs:
Apart from the house's price, there are other expenses you need to think about. Think of them as the side quests in your home-buying adventure. These extra costs include things like a special tax, fees to set up your loan, insurances, and more. If you have a plan for these costs from the start, you'll be well-prepared to manage your budget.

5. Guarantor Loans and More:

Remember when you learned to ride a bike and someone had your back? That's what a guarantor does. They can help you borrow more than your deposit, but it's important to understand the responsibilities involved.

6. Seek Expert Advice:
Dealing with money and figuring out budgets can be a bit tough, especially if you're buying your first home. But guess what? If you get help from an expert who knows about home loans (they're called mortgage brokers), things can get way easier. A mortgage broker can show you different choices for loans, look at your financial situation, and help you find the perfect solution based on your situation. They're like money wizards who can save you time, cash, and make buying a home less stressful.

Remember, buying your first home is not just a transaction; it's a journey. And like any journey, preparation and knowledge are key. So, make sure you have the right tools, ask for advice when you need it, and soon enough, you'll be unlocking the door to your dream home. After all, isn't home where the heart is?