Small Changes That Will Make Your House Feel Like Home

November 27, 2023

So, you've just moved into a new house, and while it's all exciting, you can't help but feel like it's missing that warm and cozy feeling you associate with "home." It's common to feel this way, especially when you've left behind the familiar surroundings of your old place. But fear not; making your new house feel like home is easier than you might think. Here are some simple and practical steps to help you settle in and create that welcoming atmosphere you crave.

1. Unpack with a Plan

The first thing you should tackle is the unpacking. But wait, don't just dive into it randomly. Start with a plan. Begin by setting up the essential areas like your bedroom and kitchen. Having a comfortable bed to sleep in and the ability to prepare a meal will instantly make you feel at home.Then, gradually move on to other rooms. Unpacking strategically can ease the transition.

2. Personalise Your Space

One of the quickest ways to make your new house feel like your own is through personalisation. Unpack your favourite photos, artwork, and mementos. These personal touches are like a fingerprint, imprinting your unique personality on your home. They not only make your house cosier but also tell your story.

3. Comfort Zones

Create designated comfort zones in your new home. Arrange seating areas with soft cushions and throws. These "comfort zones"are perfect for unwinding after a long day and make your home feel inviting. You'll find that having these cosy corners can work wonders in making you feel more relaxed.

4. Familiar Scents

Scents have a magical way of connecting us with memories and emotions. Use scented candles, essential oils, or air fresheners with fragrances that remind you of your previous home or happy moments. The familiarity of these scents will help create a comforting ambiance in your new house.

5. Bring Nature In

Bringing a bit of nature indoors can have a soothing effect. Add some houseplants or fresh flowers to your living spaces. Plants not only purify the air but also bring a touch of tranquility to your home. It's like having a bit of the great outdoors inside with you.

6. Rearrange and Experiment

Feel free to experiment with the layout and decoration of your new home. Sometimes, a simple rearrangement of furniture or trying new decor arrangements can make a big difference. It's all about finding what feels suitable for you. So, go ahead and unleash your inner interior designer.

7. Music and Ambiance

Set the mood with music. Create playlists of your favourite songs and play them in the background. Music can evoke emotions and memories, making you feel more comfortable in your new surroundings. Adjust the lighting to create the desired ambiance for different times of the day.

8. Cook Familiar Meals

There's something comforting about the smell of familiar meals cooking in your kitchen. Prepare your favourite dishes; the aroma will fill your new house, making it feel cosier. Plus, it's a delicious way to make new memories in your new kitchen.

9. Explore Your Neighbourhood

Knowing your new neighbourhood can make your house feel more like home. Take walks, visit local shops, and introduce yourself to neighbours. The more you become a part of the community, the more connected you'll feel to your new surroundings.

10. Establish Routines

Routines can provide a sense of stability and familiarity. Whether it's a morning yoga session, an evening book reading ritual, or a Sunday family movie night, these routines can help anchor you in your new home.

11. Be Patient with Yourself

Adjusting to a new home takes time, so be patient with yourself. It's natural to feel a bit disoriented initially. Still, as you settle in and create new memories, your new house will gradually feel more like home.

12. Embrace Change

Remember that change is a part of life. Embrace the opportunity to create new experiences and memories in your new home. Your house will become more familiar each day, and your sense of "home" will grow stronger.

Making your new house feel like home is a process that evolves over time. By incorporating these tips and allowing yourself to adapt, you'll soon find comfort and a sense of belonging in your new space. So, embrace this new chapter; before you know it, your house will truly become your home.