Choosing the Right Place to Call Home

September 9, 2023

Ready to find your dream home? Instead of relying on a map, there are lots of different ways we can check out. Each way has its own special attraction. But don't worry, out of all these choices, you'll definitely find one that suits you perfectly.  Let's jump into this exciting journey together!

1. Research is Key

Remember those treasure hunts we loved as kids? Finding your dream home is a bit like that. Dig deep into online property portals, local newspapers, and even community boards. The more you know, the closer you are to the 'X' that marks the spot.

2. Location, Location, Location!

It's an age-old adage in real estate, but it's golden for a reason. Think about your daily routine. Where do you work? Where do your kids go to school? How close are amenities like shops, parks, and public transport? Remember, a house can be renovated, but its location is permanent.

3. Stay Within Budget

While it's easy to get carried away, remember to stick to your budget. Don't forget to include extra costs like stamp duty, inspection fees, and maybe even money for fixing things up. It's always better to have a safety net, just like how you'd carry an umbrella even if there's just a tiny chance of rain.

4. Inspect with Intent

When you step into a potential home, don't just focus on the pretty paint or the inviting smell of freshly baked cookies. Take a closer, more attentive look. Examine carefully for any signs of damage, water issues, or problems with the structure. Open cabinets, try the faucets, and switch the lights on and off to thoroughly assess the situation.

5. Ask the Right Questions

Knowledge is power. When inspecting a property, arm yourself with questions. Here are a few to start with:

· Why is the owner selling?

· How long has the property been up for sale?

· Are there any problems we should know about or recent renovations?

· What's included in the sale?

6. Think Long-Term

Getting a home is a big deal, like a major investment. So, think about the future. Will the house suit your needs in 5 or 10 years? Is the area developing or declining? It's like planting a tree; you're not just thinking about today but making sure it grows well in the years ahead.

Picking the right home is a big deal, and it needs you to think carefully and do some research. But if you do things the right way, you'll discover a spot that's not just a house, but a real home.