7 Things You Need to Know About Home Inspections

November 27, 2023

Are you about to dive into the exciting yet perplexing world of buying a home? Hold on to your hats, because we're about to unravel the mystery of home inspections, all while keeping it as simple as a piece of your favorite pie!

The Basics of Home Inspections:

Alright, picture this: You're buying a car. Would you just kick the tires and hope for the best? No way! Similarly, a home inspection is like giving your future home a thorough check-up, but instead of stethoscopes, we've got experienced inspectors. Here are 7 things you need to know about home inspections:

1. What is a home inspection?

A home inspection is like a health check for your potential new home. It's when a trained pro gives the house a thorough once-over to uncover any hidden issues. Think of it as a safety net for your investment.

2. Who's the Inspector?

These folks are like the detectives of the housing world. But, you need to make sure they're licensed. Think of it as hiring a superhero with a license to save your real estate day. You can find the right one by contacting your state or territory's real estate commission.

3. What's on Their Checklist?

The inspector wears many hats, or maybe we should say helmets! They look at everything – from the roof to the basement. They're checking for leaks, pests, faulty wiring, and more. They even take a peek at the appliances. It's like they're giving your future home a thorough check-up.

4. How long does a home inspection take?

The length of a home inspection will vary depending on the size and complexity of the home. However, most home inspections take between two and four hours.

5. Prep Work Before the Inspection

Before the inspector rolls in, clear the decks! Remove your stuff, give them access, and hand over the floor plan if you have it. The more info they have, the better

6. What should you do after a home inspection?

Alright, you've got the inspector's report in your hands. Time to decode it. Chat with the seller about any issues found, and maybe get some repair quotes. It's like looking under the hood with a mechanic and discussing what needs fixing.

7. How much does a home inspection cost?

Here's the deal – the cost of a home inspection varies. It depends on the size and location of the house. However, home inspections typically cost between $300 and $500.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about home inspections:

· You are not required to have a home inspection, but it is highly recommended.

· The inspector won't roll up their sleeves and get fixing; their role is all about spotting issues and offering solutions.

· The home inspector is not an expert in every area of home construction. They may not be able to identify all potential problems.

· Inspection reports offer a snapshot in time; they don't guarantee future conditions.

If you are considering buying a home, getting a home inspection is a wise investment that can prevent costly surprises.

Additional tips:

· Ask your real estate agent for recommendations for home inspectors.

· Read online reviews of home inspectors before hiring one.

· Be wary of home inspectors who offer discounts or guarantees.

· Don't pay the home inspector in full until after you receive the written report.

· If you think you've fallen for a scam, contact your state's licensing board to file a complaint.

So there you have it, our treasure trove of tips to conquer the home inspection adventure. Now, grab that magnifying glass (or maybe just your smartphone), and let's dive into the exciting world of property hunting!